Our Services - Strategy and Planning


Strategy and Planning

Strategic planning begins with the Board of Directors.  As caretakers of the organization they need to understand their role in the successful direction and operation of the company.  We assist the BOD in understanding and interpreting the mission, developing the vision for the organization and clarifying its value to recipients of its services.  It is also a function of the BOD to communicate the mission and vision throughout the organization and the people served.  When problems appear to be related to the way the board or the management function operates within the organization, Lambert-Pearcy will propose improvements to the governance process.

Implementation Planning

Our strategic planning process always includes recommendations for implementation, including development of a process to set objectives and assign responsibility to accomplish them.


Change Management

Often, a new or revised strategic direction involves changes in the organization that may be uncomfortable.  Lambert-Pearcy guides the BOD, executives and managers in effective change management techniques that facilitate the acceptance of change.


Metrics and Analysis

Lambert-Pearcy excels at assisting the organization identify metrics to determine progress in implementation of the strategic plan. The tracking and analysis of these metrics become part of the agenda of every board meeting to ensure strategic direction and operational execution are aligned.


Process Improvement

Lambert-Pearcy will work with managers and staff to identify and improve problems with operational processes that may be inhibiting or preventing effectiveness.






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Assisting Those Who Do Good To Do Better.